Journal Papers

Languages for software-defined networks. Nate Foster, Michael J. Freedman, Arjun Guha, Rob Harrison, Naga Praveen Katta, Christopher Monsanto, Joshua Reich, Mark Reitblatt, Jennifer Rexford, Cole Schlesinger, Alec Story, and David Walker. IEEE Communications Magazine, 51(2):128--134, 2013.
DOI | pdf ]

Conference and Workshop Papers

FatTire: Declarative Fault Tolerance for Software Defined Networks. Mark Reitblatt, Marco Canini, Nate Foster, and Arjun Guha. In HotSDN, Hong Kong, HK, August 2013.
pdf | slides | source code ]

Machine-Verified Network Controllers. Arjun Guha, Mark Reitblatt, and Nate Foster. In PLDI, Seattle, WA, June 2013.
pdf | source code ]

Abstractions for Network Update. Mark Reitblatt, Nate Foster, Jennifer Rexford, Cole Schlesinger, and David Walker. In SIGCOMM, Helsinki, Finland, August 2012.
DOI | pdf | slides | video ]

Consistent Updates for Software-Defined Networks: Change You Can Believe In. Mark Reitblatt, Nate Foster, Jennifer Rexford, and David Walker. In HotNets, Cambridge, MA, November 2011.
pdf | slides ]

Industrial Strength Distributed Explicit State Model Checking. Brad Bingham, Jesse Bingham, Flavio M. de Paula, John Erickson, Gaurav Singh, and Mark Reitblatt. In PDMC, Twente, NL, September 2010.

Formal verification of LabVIEW programs using the ACL2 Theorem Prover. Matt Kaufmann, Jacob Kornerup, and Mark Reitblatt. In ACL2, Boston, MA, May 2009.
DOI | pdf | slides ]


Formal Reasoning in Software-defined Networks. Mark Reitblatt. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, August 2015.
pdf | slides ]

A System for the Formal Verification of LabVIEW/G Diagrams. Mark Reitblatt. Senior honors thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, July 2009.
pdf | slides ]

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